
Max Bodmer and Moritz Fischer, the leading characters in this ironic, satirical comedy dealing with becoming – and living as – a Swiss citizen, are members of the Cantonal Police entrusted with the delicate task of examining foreigners who are candidates for Swiss citizenship. Different people have their own experiences when confronted with the various methods that can be employed in an investigation of this kind. All are fictions. However any resemblance to actual situations cannot entirely be ruled out…

To this day the most successful Swiss film ever – over 1 million viewers in Switzerland!

plakat Fiction, CH 1978, 104′, colour, 35mm

Director Rolf Lyssy

Original version: Swiss German

Dubbing versions: German, French, Italian, Spanish

T&C Film Zürich
Rolf Lyssy, Willora AG and Walter Schoch, Ecco AG